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PriceFrom $0.50

Attention all valued customers! We have an incredible announcement to make regarding our remarkable Anion Pad. This groundbreaking product is designed to revolutionize your menstrual and Yoni detox experiences, promoting optimal reproductive cell health and longevity.

Introducing the Anion Pad, equipped with a powerful negative anion strip that effectively combats positive ionic activity within your reproductive cells. Scientifically proven, positive ions have been found to disrupt the health of cells, while negative ions counteract this effect. By utilizing the Anion Pad during your detox process or when new cells surface, you can extend the lifespan of these cells, ensuring their vitality and overall well-being.

To cater to your needs, the Anion Pad is available in convenient packaging options including a 10-pack, 60-pack, and bulk 480-pack. Whether you prefer to stock up or try it out, we have a package size that suits you.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to experience the incredible benefits of the Anion Pad. Visit today and secure your supply of ion pads. Enhance your well-being and take control of your reproductive health.

Thank you for choosing our products. We value your satisfaction and strive to provide you with the best possible solutions. Get your Anion Pads today and embark on a journey towards a healthier and happier you.

  • ANION Purging Pads

    Anion sanitary pads have an Anion strip inside the cotton setting, which emits high density Anions when used. During the process of Anion neutralization, the released oxygen could suppress the major source that causes gynaecological diseases. The generation of anaerobe decreases the odds of gynaecological diseases and the whole process is chemical free.


       Technically Speaking:  Ions are charged particles in the air that are formed in nature in different ways. One way is when enough energy acts upon a molecule such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, or water to eject an electron from the molecule leaving a positively charged ion. The displaced electron attaches itself to a nearby molecule, which then becomes a negatively charged ion. It is the negative ion of oxygen that affects us the most.

       High levels of Negative Ions ... Are desirable. They're naturally found in places like the beach, in the mountains, in the country, in pine forests, near waterfalls, and many other places that people like to be -- all the places that we feel good after we visit them. The evaporation of water can produce a moderate amount of negative air ions; the small positive charges are left behind in the water.

       High levels of Positive Ions ... Are undesirable. They're found;

     Indoors where a TV or computer monitor (CRT) is operating.

    Indoors and outdoors where warm, dry winds blow.

    Wherever the air is polluted. Air pollution uses up negative ions.

    Air is stripped of electrons as it flows through ductwork, creating unwanted positive ions.

  • Real Yoni Pearls | Vaginal Cleanse | Seanjari Pree

    Authentic Real Yoni Pearls Established 2009 by Ivy Sagarius. Over 15 Real Yoni Pearls: Yeast, HPV, HSV, Hidradenitis Supportiva, TTC, Infertility, Miscarriage, Cesarean Section, Scar Tissue, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Alkaline, Bacterial Vaginosis-BV, Sexually Transmitted Disease - STD. 

    Each pearl provides herbal nutrients to the Vagina, Cervix, Womb, Ovaries and Lymph Nodes. 

    Each Pearl is formulated for Specific Womb Traumas and/or Diagnosis.

    Education on Womb Healing is Provided thru School Of Womb Healing.

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