TIGHTENING | FETAL TRAUMA | Miscarriage | Abortion | Ectopic Pregnancy | Plan B
Common risks of abortion include Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion. An ongoing unwanted pregnancy if the procedure doesn't work.Heavy and prolonged bleeding, damage to the womb, or sepsis infection.Fever.Digestive system discomfort.Injury to the womb or entrance to the womb (cervix)The risk to your fertility and future pregnancies if you develop a womb infection needing another procedure (DNC) to remove parts of the pregnancy that have stayed in the womb
Women that experience abortion, use plan b pills, terminate, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or unhealthy births, experience fetal trauma. The Fetal Trauma Womb Healing Vaginal Pearl helps strengthen the uterus and cervix. It also helps with stabilization. Consider getting the TTC pearl along with this Pearl if you plan to try again for pregnancy, also get the Fibroid pearl for scar tissue.
Authentic Real Yoni Pearls from Seanjari Preeti Womb Healing. please consider purchasing a detox kit. the detox kit has whichever pearls you choose.
This is 1 individually wrapped Womb Healing Vaginal Pearl from SeanjariPreeti.com
To learn more about Womb Healing, after your purchase, please visit www.schoolofwombhealing.org