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Yoni Bombing Chamber

Yoni Bombing Chamber


no water  - just herbs - smokes naturally from heated base.

Il ne reste que 5 article(s) en stock
  • Real Yoni Pearls | Vaginal Cleanse | Seanjari Pree

    Authentic Real Yoni Pearls Established 2009 by Ivy Sagarius. Over 15 Real Yoni Pearls: Yeast, HPV, HSV, Hidradenitis Supportiva, TTC, Infertility, Miscarriage, Cesarean Section, Scar Tissue, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Alkaline, Bacterial Vaginosis-BV, Sexually Transmitted Disease - STD. 

    Each pearl provides herbal nutrients to the Vagina, Cervix, Womb, Ovaries and Lymph Nodes. 

    Each Pearl is formulated for Specific Womb Traumas and/or Diagnosis.

    Education on Womb Healing is Provided thru School Of Womb Healing.

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